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We will not sell your email address, name and personal information to any third party.

We will not send unsolicited emails to you. The only exception may be emails you agree to receive when you register on the site and transactional emails due to activity on the site such as making a donation or purchasing a product or ticket or abandoning a basket.

We may also email you a notification annually for any event you took part in or supported so that you dont miss future events. You can unsubscribe from that specific event in that email.

If you find that you receive unsolicited emails you have not agreed to receive advise the Rotary Club of Barrie and advise us as this is contrary to our policies.

If you have any questions about our policies please contact us in the contact us section of the Rotary Club of Barrie site at


All content used in the design and development of the company website, adhere to the below mentioned licence policies Subscription: Icons sourced from under Premium license, Images sourced from under Standard license For more details on icons sourcing and attribution request detailed attribution document at attribution details